The Voyager Spacecraft, initially launched in 1977, is finally ready to depart our solar system, according to leading experts.
The latest data received from the probe indicates that it is presently along at the very rim of our solar system, which puts it at some 18.5 Billion km from Earth. Because of this incredible distance, Voyager’s readings now take seventeen hours to arrive.
If the craft finally does leave our solar system, Explorer would be the first simulated ship ever to do so.
In 2004, the craft reached an area of space recognized to scientists as a heliosheath. It is expected that this might be the final point of the solar system, however it turned out not to be the case. Now, almost a decade later, the craft’s readings are signifying the fateful moment may lastly be drawing near.
Actually, the evidence is so compelling that a few specialists have argued that Voyager is already clear of the limits of the space. Professor Bill Weber of New Mexico State University thinks that, due to numerous changes within the craft’s readings (particularly with regards cosmic ray intensity) Voyager has already left the solar system for pastures new.
“We’re in a new region. And all we are measuring is different and exciting.” He said.
NASA scientist Dr. Ed Stone, who’s worked within the Voyager project since the very start, holds within the concept that the craft has yet to exit our solar system. “It could be any day, but it really may be several more years” he says.
It is supposed that Voyager cannot be considered to have left the sun’s province until it has escaped our star’s magnetic influence. Dr. Stone believes that there is still evidence of the influence in the craft’s readings.
It’s estimated to take at least several months before an official decision is made on the subject one way or the other.
What is clear is that Voyager is nearer to boundaries of our solar system than ever in the past.
“The edge might be somewhat turbulent. We just don’t know,” Dr Stone said. “This is exploration in the end”
The Voyager Spacecraft was created to record data on the other planets in our solar system, before ultimately heading out into space itself. It complete its initial planetary survey in 1989 and may be traveling through space since then. Its plutonium power resources will eventually die out in 10-15 years, after which time it’ll cease to transmit data and simply drift into the mysterious.
Voyager Spacecraft to Leave Our Solar System
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